How Long To Hear Back From Secret Service
Special Agent Interview
Anonymous Interview Candidate
I interviewed at US Secret Service
Be prepared to interview 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Everyone was pretty chill for the most part, felt like a normal interview. Don't be intimidated at all, if you've interviewed with other law enforcement agencies you will be fine.
Interview Questions
- Tell us a little bit about yourself?
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Co-op and Career Path Student - Transportation Engineering Interview
Anonymous Interview Candidate in McAllen, TX
I applied online. I interviewed at US Secret Service (McAllen, TX) in Jul 2021
The interview was with two people one was the hiring agent the other was the person I would be assisting. The questions were not difficult at all. Prepare and see what interests you about this organization and how you can be an asset to them.
Interview Questions
- What do you know about the organization? Do you have any prior arrests or convictions? How is your credit and if there is anything delinquent are you making payment arrangements to remedy the account? What is customer service to you? What is a time you dealt with a difficult person and how did you address it.
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Special Agent Interview
Anonymous Interview Candidate
I interviewed at US Secret Service
It was very similar to any other interview process. Just brush up on how to answer questions about leadership experience etc. make sure you dress professionally and make sure you read their drug policy before your interview because it disqualifies so many people
Interview Questions
- Don't think I can answer this due to NDA
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Criminal Investigator Interview
Anonymous Interview Candidate in New York, NY
I applied online. I interviewed at US Secret Service (New York, NY) in May 2021
The test was not that hard. I did not pass which was a surprise . After the test you have an interview and if you pass that you have a security interview poliygeaph and then an at home visit.
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Uniformed Division Officer Interview
Anonymous Interview Candidate
I applied online. I interviewed at US Secret Service
Unable to share specifics. Application process started 18 months before completion (likely drawn out due to COVID-19 & it being an election year). First round was discontinued due to a misunderstood question on their lengthy application. 5 months after reapplying (due to a poorly worded question on their application) received notice that they were interested in interviewing me for the position. Ecstatic - dream job. 1st interview (4 months after receiving the interview-interest notice): essentially a review of the position I'd applied for with some background & general interview questions. 2nd interview (6 weeks later): essentially reviewed submitted a background questionnaire with an HR rep. 3rd round: Polygraph. Answered their questions. Informed them beforehand I had a degree of undiagnosed social anxiety and was very nervous about the polygraph (a machine that is NOT a legal requirement on the civilian side or in most criminal investigations, but is somehow still allowed as an employment gateway). Was ASSURED that nervousness wouldn't factor into the results. By the end of the polygraph, the polygrapher accused me of attempting to thwart the test and lying about serious accusation material. If you discuss horrific subjects and are then accused of lying/not being forthcoming about said topics and don't show up as nervous on a heart rate monitor, 1) sociopath or 2) more power to you. Thought the guy was pulling my chain to coerce potential wrong doings out of me, but, sure enough, received a "not best qualified" letter from the SS within 24 hours. Requested to appeal the results or even pay from my own pocket for a retest as I'd been forthcoming and had already paid for 2 medical examinations at my own expense during the application process. Offered to provide them with statements, back ground checks, more references, etc - anything that could help with mitigation as I've never been fired, had more than a speeding ticket, etc. Was ignored and denied. For anyone who doesn't know, "failing" a polygraph isn't grounds for being barred from federal and government employment for a minimum of 2 years. DON'T put yourself in that position so they can muck up your life "weeding out candidates" when they've already made up their minds regarding who to hire. First round interviewer said they had a high turnover rate which I completely believe at this point. Tax payer dollars at work. Unprofessional/unethical conduct at best.
Interview Questions
- Unable to discuss specifics beyond what can be found on their website.
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Special Agent Interview
Anonymous Interview Candidate
I applied online. I interviewed at US Secret Service in Jan 2021
Still in the hiring process! All that is left is polygraph and background. The interview/hiring process has been faster than I expected. They want to know if you are a person of sound integrity. Can you be counted on. The questions are geared toward who you are!
Interview Questions
- Not able to discuss questions!
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Special Agent Interview
Anonymous Interview Candidate
I interviewed at US Secret Service
Interview with two agents which they were very friendly and went through what the job entails. They asked 5-6 situational questions about my previous employments. Security interview was easy too which they just went through everything you put in in the application.
Interview Questions
- I cannot disclose the questions but do some research on the situational questions and you will do fine.
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UDE Interview
Anonymous Employee
I applied online. The process took 8 months. I interviewed at US Secret Service
Straightforward interview process at the start. After the basic series of questions and looking over my packet I was given a conditional offer. That's when the actual SUPER starts. That's all I'm going to say, good experience
Interview Questions
- Standard, think of when you struggled to make hard decisions
10 people found this interview helpful
Special Agent Interview
Anonymous Interview Candidate in New York, NY
I applied online. I interviewed at US Secret Service (New York, NY) in Sep 2020
extensive interview process with different phases depending on if the applicant gains enough interest to move to the next phase. Two interviewers present in the room with direct questioning and capability evaluation.
Interview Questions
- Have you ever been involved in any criminal activities that would impact integrity of a security clearance?
2 people found this interview helpful
Officer Interview
Anonymous Employee in Tampa, FL
I applied online. The process took 6 weeks. I interviewed at US Secret Service (Tampa, FL) in Jun 2020
Questions asked by two agents who take notes and explain the whole training process to you. Just be honest and have a completely clean record. They will perform a polygraph in a follow up interview.
Interview Questions
- Cannot Share interview questions per non-disclosure agreement.
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How Long To Hear Back From Secret Service
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