
Does God Consider Stay At Home Mothers And Housewives A Service Unto Him?

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Picture of mom and child with text overlay why God might be calling you to become a stay at home mom even when you can't afford it

One of the biggest reasons moms continue to work outside the home fifty-fifty though they feel God calling them to stay home is coin. Maybe God wants yous to only step out in faith and go a stay at home mom and scout Him fill the financial gaps. Hither's a little about my story and what God has washed in our lives! I promise this brings you the encouragement yous need.

Practise You Accept Faith to Go A Stay At Abode Mom?

Is God calling you to practise something scary such as quit your job? If you lot felt God stirring in your heart to go exist a missionary in Africa, y'all would exist scared to death just I bet you would seek wise quango and then get the ball rolling for you to go. At least, that would be me. Perchance information technology's cause of the lure of adventure? But, when God calls us to give up something that is providing food, habiliment, and shelter, well, and then it becomes a piffling scarier.

I understand this one. My spiritual gift is faith, yet I still have my days where I accept dubiety, "Is God actually going to provide?"

When God chosen me to change my blog, I tried to hibernate…for months! I was scared to death..scared of the hate mail I would receive, scared of people'southward comments, scared to put myself out there in such a vulnerable mode. But, you know what? Once I realized I needed to just do what God is request of me, I can't tell you lot how many doors God is already opening. These doors wouldn't have opened if I wouldn't take listened. I had to but have faith get-go.

God Wants You to See It'due south Non Your Own Hand that Provides

" And the Lord said to Gideon, "The people who are with yous are too many for Me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel claim celebrity for itself against Me, proverb, 'My own hand has saved me." (Judges 7:2NKJV) There's a story in Judges that I was reading the other solar day. Information technology's a story that I accept read quite a few times merely this verse caught my attention this time. It takes place when the Israelites are then oppressed by the Midianites that they are hiding out in caves. They cried out to God and He sent them a prophet named Gideon.

Judges 7:2 NKJV

Gideon is getting ready to march into battle against the Midianites with 32,000 soldiers. If you read the story, God whittles down the army to a mere 300 men. And then He says to Gideon, " It happened on the same night that the Lord said to him, "Arise, go down against the military camp, for I have delivered information technology into your hand" (Judges 7:9 NKJV). Gideon went with his 300 men and conquered the over 135,000 Midianite soldiers.

If y'all have saturday down and looked at your finances and have thought to yourself, "At that place's just no way nosotros tin afford for me to become a stay at domicile mom" then peradventure God wants to you to see that information technology's non by your own might that you pay the bills. If yous faithfully ascent up and face that army that appears equally numerous as a plague of locusts (Judges six:five), God will accept the meager amount you brand and make you victorious.

However, y'all first accept to faithfully rise upwardly earlier He can give you lot victory. He wants to bear witness you how He is the one who provides.

The Goodness of the Lord

If y'all don't know my story, my hubby has been laid off 5 times in the past ix years. Through information technology all, God has told me to continue being a stay at habitation mom. We have actually seen the manus of God. Information technology has not been by our own might that our bills take been paid but through God'south mitt. When I start to doubt, I will go over all the times when we've seen God's provision. He has e'er provided for us in the past, why would He stop now? When you lot face doubt, it's proficient to remember where God has brought you from so that He can renew your strength to keep marching forwards.

Remembering the goodness of the Lord in our lives always simply blows my heed. Almost of the time, when I kickoff abode on it, I am a large brawl of weepy, joyful mess. (And I volition probably become a big ball of tears writing this!)

  • At a time when we were in a severe financial drought, the insurance adjuster cut usa a cheque for over 3 thousand when nosotros were expecting only 1k for my husband'south totaled car
  • That aforementioned insurance adjuster gave us a check for 2k for "hurting and suffering" (nearly of the time, information technology's a few hundred)
  • We have also gotten other checks for $i,000 and several for $ii,000
  • My husband got a check for lost wages of over $1,000 for a job he had 10 years prior
  • My hubby got paid nearly $2,000 for vacation time pay out for a job he got hired for but never actually started working
  • The fourth dimension when we won a gift card to a grocery store
  • The time when a stranger bought my stuff at Target
  • The time I already promised my neighbor's kids they could have pizza night with us merely I didn't realize we didn't have the money. I went to Costco to purchase it anyway and the person in front end of me bought my pizza for me
  • The other time at Costco when someone paid for our pizza
  • When my married man and I were talking on our way to church how I needed to get bibs for my daughter (during a fourth dimension when just that $10 was a huge expense nosotros'd have to salve for) and we came abode from church building to discover a bag of bibs on our door
  • The time we had no thought where groceries would come up from since we had no coin left and our church building got together and filled our motorcar to the brim with groceries and diapers (nosotros never asked for assist…God only put it on their hearts to requite)
  • The time a stranger gifted the states $500
  • When a friend gave us coin for Christmas and fifty-fifty more money for diapers and groceries
  • The other time when someone gave united states money for Christmas
  • The time when someone rang our doorbell and dashed and I opened the door to observe Christmas presents for our entire family on our front porch
  • The time when nosotros came home from visiting my parents to find that our neighbors had all gotten together and landscaped our front yard, busy our forepart porch with outdoor furniture and decor, and put together a huge handbasket of food (with an Applebee's souvenir card in information technology-such a treat!)
  • The times I have constitute laundry soap, toilet paper, paper towels, diapers, and other essentials just left on our front end step
  • The many, many times we accept discovered random checks in the postal service
  • When I prayed over my very ill dog because we didn't have the coin to have him to the vet and he woke up the side by side twenty-four hour period perfectly fine
  • The time I prayed for $55 to buy material so I could make my parents a rag quilt for Christmas and instead God provided $1,000
  • When my friend earned an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii and decided to take me with her
  • When I prayed for God to open up doors for me to earn $300 for spending money for that Hawaii trip and instead I earned over $ii,000

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You guys, here I am a big bawl of tears! Our God is so good!! He won't call you lot to quit your job so abandon you. He will provide. His provision rarely comes in the forms we expect. You will get to see these things in your own life, besides, if you but be obedient to His will for your life.

God won't call you to quit your job and then abandon you

What Y'all Can Accept Abroad from All This

If you accept been feeling like God is calling y'all to quit your task and become a stay at home mom, I know it can be incredibly scary. Merely, at the aforementioned time, I am super excited for you! It'south like how excited you get when someone gets pregnant because you know how awesome it is to exist a parent and now they become to feel that. You take no idea all the amazing things God has for you on the other side of this, but I accept walked through information technology. God is going to work in your life in such big ways!

All you have to practise is have faith and say, "Ok, God! I am prepare to listen!" and and then sit back and scout what He does in your life.

If this is you, tin can you permit me know below in the comments? I would love to pray for you as you starting time this journey! If y'all want to encourage others, please share this on Pinterest.

Does God Consider Stay At Home Mothers And Housewives A Service Unto Him?,


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